For the past few years, I’ve been chipping away on a larger game that’s part of the Powered by the Apocalypse family (i.e., inspired by the mechanics of Apocalypse World and a host of descendant games). That game, Hinterlands, is most directly inspired by Sagas of the Icelanders, as well as Monsterhearts and Urban Shadows. The one-line pitch is:
A roleplaying game about class and community in a small rural town, far from the centers of power in a fantasy kingdom.
So, a mix of slice-of-life, fantasy, and social dynamics. Imagine an entire campaign playing as the villagers a group of typical adventurers might meet during a one-night stopover. Their world is magical, true, but they’re mostly concerned with quotidian affairs: farmland disputes between neighbors, or a wealthy country noble throwing their outsized weight around.
I haven’t focused on development for the game in a bit, but if that sounds interesting, playtest materials for the game are a free download! (Available via as well.)
Of my other various works-in-progress, who know what might see the light of day. I post game design thoughts now & then in the Notes blog, and share shorter updates via the official Twitter account.